We just got news that over the course of our first year, Blair House has gone 3,000 miles together. THREE THOUSAND miles.
That's like running from Blair House to see the Space Needle in Seattle, or to sit on the beach in LA. We could have reached Vegas with energy to spare, or done four round-trip runs to Chicago. We could have run to Spain! (OK, so that last one would also entail some swim training, but you know what I mean.)
But Back On My Feet is about so much more than just the running, even if that's the easiest thing to count. How many smiles does 3,000 miles equal? How many hugs? Here's my attempt at an equation to quantify Blair House's first year, feel free to check my math:
3,000 Miles = [Daily hugs x (high fives/words of encouragement) + the pride of crossing a finish line to the power of good luck wishes for a job interview] x (lasting friendships + having somebody to catch you if you fall) all to the power of multiple smiles.
So here's to 3,000 miles with my BOMF family. And guess what, it's only another 6,700 miles to Sydney, Australia. I've always wanted to go there...
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